I hope you and your families are enjoying the spring weather. I’m excited to inform you that this past special session was dedicated to addressing the violent crime plaguing our state. We successfully took some of the first steps toward creating a safer, stronger, and more transparent Louisiana, especially in our own District 68. In this regular session, I will continue championing my four pillars of efficiency, effectiveness, accountability, and transparency.
Adding to these pillars, I am pleased to share my legislative agenda for the 2024 Regular Session. My legislative agenda encompasses a wide range of issues, from streamlining protections for victims and witnesses of abuse to working to address the panhandling problem on our streets and make our roads safer for all individuals.
House Bill 69: This bill appropriates funds to settle a specific legal case for Averiel Crenshaw individually and on behalf of her minor child, L.C. v. Devin Colon, et al. The bill outlines the conditions and payment process, ensuring compliance with the terms of the judgment.
House Bill 97: To keep our Louisiana highways and streets safe, we must hold accountable those who make them unsafe. HB 97 aims to decrease panhandling on the streets by refining and clarifying the definition of solicitation regarding “panhandling,” particularly in terms of what constitutes "anything of value."
House Bill 113: This bill seeks to exempt student-produced media outlets affiliated with public postsecondary education institutions from paying copying fees for public records. This exemption supports student journalism and media organizations by facilitating access to public records without financial barriers.
House Bill 116: The proposed legislation aims to keep the public informed of public employees’ actions and not let public entities hide them from the public and by clarifying the nature of personnel records and establishing procedures for enforcing their disclosure when required by law.
House Bill 174: The bill seeks to ensure fair and transparent disciplinary proceedings at public postsecondary education institutions by providing students with the right to representation and outlining specific procedures to uphold the presumption of innocence until guilt is proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
House Bill 175: For far too long, criminals have gone viral or reached internet fame by livestreaming criminal activities, including heinous, violent crimes. In an effort to update the law about sharing images or videos of crimes, HB 175 adds "live-stream" or video footage of crimes to what's considered illegal to obtain or share. It also clarifies that certain groups, like telephone or internet companies, law enforcement officers, and news media members, are exempt from these rules. Additionally, it defines "live-stream" as a video of an event that's broadcasted on the internet while it's happening.
House Bill 236: The bill aims to provide clear guidelines for mental health and child custody evaluations in custody proceedings, ensuring fairness, transparency, and the protection of all parties involved.
House Bill 517: In an effort to protect consumers, HB 517 aims to strengthen the licensing requirements for manufactured housing retailers, developers, installers, and transporters by increasing financial thresholds and requiring surety bonds or irrevocable letters of credit.
House Bill 557: The bill aims to enhance the scope and effectiveness of the Louisiana Protective Order Registry to better protect individuals and witnesses from various forms of violence and abuse.
House Bill 566: The bill aims to ensure that state employment opportunities remain accessible to individuals with qualified backgrounds and experiences rooted in knowledge, skills, or abilities required for the position, not solely contingent upon a baccalaureate degree.
You can keep track of legislative developments by visiting legis.la.gov/Legis/BillSearch and selecting 'Search by Author' for 'McMakin, Dixon Wallace (H).' If you have any questions, feedback, or ideas for new legislation, please contact my office. Your engagement is essential for the continued improvement of our district and state.
I also invite you to sign up for my Daily Dixon email list, which includes a short, one-minute video recapping my day in the Capitol. The sign-up form can be found on my website, www.dixonmcmakin.com.
Thanks to all,
State Representative Dixon McMakin
Email: hse068@legis.la.gov
Mobile: (225) 384-0468
District Office Location:
3613 Perkins Road
Unit F
Baton Rouge, LA 70808
Committee Assignments: Commerce and Labor and Industrial Relations